Financial Education for Kids
The Ultimate Course that Will Change Your Child’s Financial Habits Forever
Children are growing up in a world that is surrounded with financial issues. Their future financial decisions depend upon the behaviour they are forming today. Only strong money skills will help your child manage their money and build financial security.

“Personal Finance Management - The Big Issue That Isn't Taught”
5 Reasons Why Kids Need to Have Financial Management Skills
Building up saving habits at a young age makes kids grow up to be an adult who always has savings
Knowing the value of money, they will always make the most of it.
Being able to manage their money as a child means there will be less likely to make big financial mistakes as an adult
Getting a head start in investment gives more time for the investment to grow with the power of compound interest
Increased financial safety creates mental health
Personal financial management is one of the most crucial life skills that isn't taught in most schools, leaving children to grow up without knowing what to do with their money.
The First Financial Education Course That Truly Focuses on Shaping Behaviour
Our course builds good financial habits for your kids. It’s the first time in Thailand that children will take a financial education course where they not only get to “learn to know”, but also “learn to be”.
The course will shape solid financial behaviours that will last a lifetime through strong collaboration between the instructor and the parents throughout the 66 day course.
The content of the course covers 3 important areas:
"Learning is a process, not an event"
-Elliott Masie-
Learning Naturally from Everyday’s Life Matters
Stimulated with conversation and money activities throughout the course, your child will be inspired to start saving by themselves, learn the value of money and habitually spend it wisely.
Furthermore, they will discover the key principles of investing - enabling them to start investing and building their financial security from a young age.
Learning Through An Effective Learning Process
Our course applies the evidence-based education learning theory of establishing education practice using the best available scientific evidence, rather than tradition, personal judgement, or other influences.
We use "5-Step Learning Cycle" to ensure the desired learning outcomes are met by students. The 5 steps are:
Prior Knowledge
Learning in Bilingual
Children will get to build their financial skills as well as extend their knowledge of English as the course is taught in English and Thai.
It Takes Most People 66 Days To Build a Habit
Throughout the entire 66 days of our course, students and parents will receive personalised support from the instructor.
Our twice weekly follow up and feedback sessions will ensure expected learning outcomes are being met and students are taking the key points from assigned activities and acquiring financial skills.
4 online sessions during the first 4 weeks (once a week)
Pre-class questions or activities to complete the learning process
Twice weekly personalised support for progress checking and feedback throughout the course
Fun and practical end of course workshop in Bangkok (10.00-13.00 at Cocon Coworking Space Pahonyothin, date -TBC

With the course that was designed for students, parents and instructor to cooperate and build learning experience and good financial behaviour at the same time, it’s not only the course that will give your child one of the most valuable skills for their future, but also the course that will help build relationships in the family.
Tuition fee can be split in two parts:
1. 4 online sessions and personal support throughout 66 days - 7,990 Baht
2. 3-hour workshop - 3,990 Baht
Register both parts together - 11,900 Baht
Bank transfer
Bank name: Bank of Ayudhya
Account Name : The Bridge Education Co., Ltd.
Account number : 062-4-35758-8
Send the transfer slip to line ID: @thebridgeeducation
Then fill in registration form by clicking "Register"
or scan this following QR Code for instant support :